Feb 25, 2019 | By: Shirelle Moore
Bagley Schools Assessing Damage of Elementary School Roof After Collapse
Bagley Public Schools students got an early dismissal today after the roof started to collapse in the elementary school building, due to snow accumulation.
Bagley school employees noticed the roof between the gym and the bathrooms was starting to sag down at around 10 this morning. The school immediately called a structural engineer and a construction company to assess the damage and remove snow from the roof. The school then deemed it was best to evacuate for safety reasons.
Steve Cairns, the Bagley Public School Superintendent, says, “We released our students at 1 o’clock for an early dismissal, and we dismissed K-12 just to be on the safe side, in case we lose power or if we would lose heat or water, and so decided it was always best and safest to assess everything before we get the school opened again.”
The school says they will make a decision by 8 pm tonight if the school will be safe to host classes tomorrow.