Sep 25, 2015 | By: Lakeland News

Association of Cass County Lakes Holds Meeting To Talk About AIS

Since two thousand and nine the Minnesota Lakes and rivers Advocates have been trying to fight the advance of aquatic invasive species or AIS from taking over the lakes and damaging lake activities. The Association of Cass County Lakes met together to talk with legislators and thank them for their support and also to comment about their personal experiences with AIS.

There are several different kinds of aquatic invasive species but some of the more prevalent species in Minnesota are the zebra mussels. The zebra mussels multiply quickly and they take out the bottom of the food chain.

The species is only transported when boaters neglect to clean their boats and equipment once they leave the lake.

Lake hopping might be a fun activity for the boat owner but for the resort owner I could be threatening.

There are many different decontamination centers set up around the lakes it only takes ten seconds to sterilize a boat but it only takes one boat to contaminate an entire lake.

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