Apr 11, 2017 | By: Josh Peterson

Area Lawmakers Make Final Push In 2017 Legislative Session

With control of the House and Senate, Republicans went into the 2017 Legislative Session with high hopes. With last years session unsuccessfully passing a bonding bill, House Republicans are looking to not only pass the states budget, but pass a bonding bill as well.

For local freshman Representatives, there was a high learning curve. For Representative Matt Bliss, the expansion of the Paul Bunyan Expressway turned out to be a contested issue, but it is not off the table yet.

For Representative Matt Grossell, his first year representing District 2A has provided him a chance to work on issues that are gaining bipartisan support.

Even though Republicans have often been at odds with Democratic governor Mark Dayton, Republicans in the House maintain an optimistic outlook.

While the house remains in recess for the Easter/Passover holiday, their work continues. Speaker Daudt and House Representatives are traveling the state visiting with constituents, and preparing for the final weeks of the legislative session.

The House and Senate must complete all work by midnight on Monday, May 22.

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