Dec 13, 2019 | By: Chantelle Calhoun
Alex & Brandon Child Safety Center Hosts Open House For 20th Anniversary
Alex & Brandon Child Safety Center entered its 20th year of service by providing a safety net for young children to go with a parent for supervised visits. Alex and Brandon’s mother Angie Plantenburg founded the center in Brainerd back in 2000 under tragic circumstances.
“We’re here today to celebrate that in our open house, anniversary, and just celebrate why it is here and what we do. Back in 1996, two little boys, Alex and Brandon, lost their lives because they were murdered by their father during an unsupervised visit. So their mom Angie Plantenburg was working with our current Executive Director at the time, Louise Selesky was our founding mother and those two had said, ‘Never again is a family going to experience this kind of devastation and loss’ that Angie’s Family went through at that time,” said Shannon Wussow, Executive Director of Mid-Minnesota Women’s Center.
This loss is the focus of the child safety center which emphasis the child’s needs as first priority.
“I think that putting children as a first priority is huge, what else could be of more value as we go forward, and they are our future and next to food, and water, and shelter, the next basic need is a sense of safety,” said Child Advocate Patty Wetterling.
Regardless of how parents feel about each other, children can come here and feel safe while still having one-on-one time.
“It has helped so many families, last year we did over 1,400 visits, that means that there were 1,400 safe exchanges or supervised visits that were done here,” said Visitation Supervisor Sue Bell. “Parents need to see their children, and we wanna make sure they get to see their children in a safe environment.”
Alex & Brandon Child Safety Center brings hope to parent that otherwise wouldn’t be able to co-parent effectively.
The child safety center is open from 8 am to 8 pm, and you can call (218) 828-0022 for more information.