Aug 8, 2020 | By: Chantelle Calhoun

5Rocks Distilling Co. Opens After Months of Delay

5Rocks Distilling the only distillery in the Brainerd Lakes area, and after months of patiently waiting for COVID-19 restrictions to be lifted, owners have finally opened their doors to the public.

The establishment offered curbside cocktail boxes that helped the family-owned business stay afloat. The distillery started welcoming guests once bars and restaurants were allowed to reopen at 50% capacity.

The spirits are produced and packaged in house and are then distributed to other establishments for sale. Some of their more popular spirits include Cold North Vodka and Lizzy’s Gin, which was named after the owners daughter.

Walk-in customers can now enjoy a craft cocktail at the bar or take a smaller spirit bottle to go.

5Rocks Distilling Co. is looking forward to changing their drink menu as the fall season approaches, and will continue to offer cocktail boxes for outdoor events.

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