Jun 13, 2022 | By: Mary Balstad
$2 Million Available in Transportation Economic Development Funding for Greater Minnesota
The Minnesota Department of Transportation has announced that local cities, tribes, counties and other government entities in Greater Minnesota will be able to apply for funding toward transportation projects. MnDOT defines Greater Minnesota as ‘all counties outside of the seven-county Twin Cities metropolitan area.’ The funds will be matched for projects that focus on local transportation.
The total of $2 million in matching funds is available through the Transportation Economic Development (TED) program. This round of funding is for state highway construction projects that take place in 2023 and 2024. Through creating and preserving jobs, and using both private and local investments in transportation infrastructure, this program helps meet the state’s transportation and economic development needs.
Since 2011, the TED program has provided over $130 million in grants to 55 separate projects throughout Minnesota. Overall, $336 million in local government and private funds have been leveraged with this investment.
More information about the TED program and how to apply can be found by visiting MnDOT’s website.
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