Mar 16, 2018 | By: AJ Feldman

1,700 Tutors Needed Throughout Minnesota

Minnesota Reading Corps and Minnesota Math Corps announced that they will be recruiting 1,700 tutors for the 2018-19 school year throughout the state. A total of 1,400 literacy tutors and 300 math tutors are needed in 77 of Minnesota’s 87 counties.

The announcement was made at the kick off of AmeriCorps Week, March 11-17, 2018, because Minnesota Reading Corps is AmeriCorps’ largest statewide tutoring program.  As part of this year’s festivities, the organization is inviting everyone to join in a nationwide “thank you” to currently serving members, alumni, and programs.

Executive Director Sadie O’Connor announced that by the end of 2018 the Reading Corps and Math Corps programs are expected to serve a quarter of a million Minnesota children throughout its history. Reading Corps was launched in  2003 and Math Corps was created in 2008.

Minnesota Reading Corps and Minnesota Math Corps are statewide, research-based initiatives to help every Minnesota student become a successful reader by the end of third grade or become proficient in math by the end of eighth grade. Tutors will reach an estimated 35,000 students throughout Minnesota during the school year.

Anyone interested in learning more about Reading Corps or Math Corps, or ready to apply to serve, should visit or contact 866-859-2825.

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